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CAS-NN Great Wall Professorship in Protein Science

Time: 2009-08-27
Institute of Biochemistry and Cell Biology (IBCB), Shanghai Institutes for Biological Sciences (SIBS), Chinese Academy of Sciences (CAS) (http://www.sibcb.ac.cn) is seeking applicants for a CAS-Novo Nordisk (NN) Great Wall Professorship position in protein science with research focus on the structural and functional studies of key protein regulators that are involved in epigenetics in diabetes. Applicants should have a Ph.D. or an equivalent degree, postdoctoral experience, demonstrated excellence in research, and potential of developing independent outstanding research work. The successful candidate will be expected to develop vigorous, extramurally funded research programs and to contribute to graduate and postdoctoral training programs. The Professorship recipient will be provided with excellent laboratory space, substantial startup fund, competitive salary, housing subsidy, and fringe benefit package. In addition, the recipient will have extra support from the CAS-NN Research Foundation to improve employment conditions, such as supplementary salary and benefits to the recipient and his/her family.
Applicants should send curriculum vitae with a complete list of publications, a concise summary of past research accomplishments and future research plans, and three letters of references to: Dr. Jianping Ding, Faculty Search Committee, IBCB, SIBS, CAS, 320 Yue-Yang Road, Shanghai 200031, China or electronically to jpding@sibs.ac.cn (Tel. 086-21-54921619 and Fax: 086-21-54921610). Applications will be accepted until position is filled. Interviews may be conducted at any time upon arrangement. IBCB is an equal opportunity employer.