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Postdoctoral positions open in Dr. Ling-Ling Chen’s Laboratory

Source: Time: 2014-04-23
We currently have available the following full-time postdoctoral fellow positions in Dr. Ling-Ling Chen’s laboratory to study the roles of long noncoding RNAs in stem cell biology and cancer development.
Regulatory lncRNAs are an important research area in epigenetics and RNA biology. My lab is interested in the identification of new RNA species and new modes of gene regulation in human cells. We recently discovered a number of new RNAs (Yang et al., 2011, Genome Biol. 12:R16; Yin et al., 2012, Mol. Cell 48: 219-230; Zhang et al., 2013, Mol. Cell 51: 792-806; Xiang et al, 2014, Cell Res., Epub. on March 25th) which play important roles in gene regulation and also participate in human diseases, such as Prader-Willi Syndrome and colorectal cancer. Intriguingly, some of these lncRNAs are only expressed in primates (Zhang et al., 2014, BMC Genomics, in press). We currently investigate the function of evolutionarily non-conserved lncRNAs and their associated proteins by using of human embryonic stem cells as models to gain insights into their regulatory roles in the early development in primates. More information can be found in our lab pages: http://www.sibcb.ac.cn/ePI.asp?id=138. Please also find the job posting online from Sciencejobs.
Required Experience:
Ph.D. candidate with a background in biochemistry, molecular biology, cell/stem cell biology, and/or animal models are encouraged to apply.
We provide competitive salary/benefits for individuals who are motivated and capable of conducting research independently.
For immediate consideration: Please submit a CV, 3 reference letters and a cover letter to Dr. Ling-Ling Chen to linglingchen@sibcb.ac.cn.