Research News

The establishment of cell lineage and its developmental regulation Project Implementation Work Meeting held in SIBCB

Source: Time: 2011-05-23
From May 20th to May 21st, 2011, the Establishment of cell lineage and its developmental regulation project implementation work meeting of CAS Stem cell and regenerative medicine research Strategic Priority Research Program was held in SIBCB. Prof. JING Naihe, project leading scientist, presided at the meeting. Among the participants were Prof. ZHOU Qi (program leading scientist), Dr. SHEN Yi (vice-director, Biomedicine Department, Bureau of Life Sciences and Biotechnology, CAS), stem cell experts, leading scientists of project research groups, and the staff of SIBCB Scientific Management Department..
The establishment of cell lineage and its developmental regulation project is the basic research module of CAS Stem cell and regenerative medicine research Strategic Priority Research Program. Focusing on “liver” and “neuron”, this project assembled an impressive team of 28 stem cell research groups from 10 CAS institutes, and conducts research on the key scientific questions and technology challenges in the establishment of cell lineage and its developmental regulation.
On the meeting, Prof. JING Naihe gave a project overview and announced relevant administrative rules. Leading scientists of project research groups annuounced their research plan and progress report, which were based on their project tasks. All participants discussed the key scientific questions and technology challenges.
The experts believe that: 1) all research groups possess good research experience, 2) the implementation of the project is satisfactory and some exciting results have came out, 3) the successful implementation of this project will lead to important contributions to stem cell and regenerative medicine research in China.